Around the Buoys No. 5 – November 2023
The latest Newsletter from the European Waterski Council has been published and can be downloaded here:

The latest FoT Newsletter can be downloaded here:
We have some 200 Club Lottery tickets available for the June draw onwards. With prize money each month of £1,625 and 5 prizes and with only 200 balls in the bag the odds of winning are very good.
If you would like a ticket for one or more months please email Gavin at for details.
Bulletin 1 for this years Nationals has now been published and can be downloaded here:
The Additional Rules 2023 have now been published ( ) with the addition of a Fast Track to D3 (National Driver) Qualification. This is something that Toutech have been considering for some time and given the lack of opportunity for Drivers to get Competition experience we hope that it will give Drivers with considerable experience to progress.
The new rule is:
Fast Track to D3 (National Driver) Qualification
Drivers with extensive experience of driving 3 events and towing elite skiers can be considered for Fast Tracking to D3 (National Driver).
If the driving history is considered sufficient by Toutech the Driver will be required to take the Drivers Theory Exam.
If this is taken successfully the Driver will be assigned D3 (Provisional Status).
To be ratified as a D3 the Driver will be assessed at two 3 event competitions at two different locations at least.
The Driver will be allowed to officiate at an event as entitled by a D3 Driver until the end of the next calendar year after being assigned the qualification (a Driver being granted the qualification during 2024 will have until 31 December 2025), or the qualification will be removed if the Driver has not achieved a successful assessment.
The Drivers Log Book should be used to document past experience and the Chief Drivers and Chief Judges assessment of the two competitions. The Log Book should be submitted to Toutech for a final review.
The Nationals will take place on 24th – 27th August hosted by Oxford Wakeboard and Ski Club for the third consecutive year.The Cash Prize Night Slalom will return and a new initiative this year will be a two day “Friends of Tournament, Development Days, Youth Festival”, aimed to bring D Day participants into the event. Details are still being developed but will be announced in Bulletin 1 for the Nationals that will be published shortly.The Nationals planning committee has also agreed that the modifications to entry criteria used last year will apply again as follows:QUALIFICATIONSThe entry standards as defined in the Additional Rules are again being waived for this year and the following will apply.
U10/U12 No qualifications required but if an U12 wants to jump they must have a registered Jump score in a Competition at any time.
U14/U17/U21/Open No specific qualifications needed but must have a registered score at any time in the past for the events entered.
35+ No qualifications needed but must have a registered score at any time past for the events entered.
Please note that both a British Competitors Licence and an IWWF Licence are required. A one off IWWF Licence can be purchased on EMS. The events are live on EMS for entries at
The draw took place during the first Ranking List competition at Hazelwoods Ski World at the weekend. Three times World Tricks Champions, Nicolas Leforestier was there with his daughter who was taking part and kindly agreed to help with the draw. And the winners were:
1st Jeff Smith No. 150 – £541.67
2nd Tabitha Rogers No. 193 – £433.33
3rd Rob & Val Spavin No. 92 – £325.00
4th Andy Dyson No. 54 – £216.67
5th Steve Lawrence No. 4 – £108.33
The draw video can be viewed here:
Congratulations to our winners and thank you to everyone for your continued support. There are 5 tickets available for the May draw that can be purchased for a one off draw or for any number of months. If interested please drop a line to Gavin at for more details. Lets keep 200 balls in the bag.
The 75th Prize Draw has taken place at Hazelwoods Ski World and the winners are:
1st Team Bluebird No. 83 – £541.67
2nd Vince Turp No. 190 – £433.33
3rd Alison Taylor No. 161 – £325.00
4th Ella Wilson No. 77 – £216.67
5th Jean Paul No.153 – £108.33
FoT has now raised a grand total of over £290,000 with over £213,000 after lottery prizes to support Competitive Waterskiing at both the elite end and grassroots development. Thanks to everyone who generously give their support.
The latest 200 Club Prize Draw has taken place this week. And the winners are:
1st No. 198 The Woodgate Foundation – £541.67
2nd No. 43 Witt Gamski – £433.33
3rd No. 47 Adele Fearn – £325.00
4th No.144 Paul Seaton – £216.67
5th No. 112 PWTC – £108.33
The draw video can be viewed via the following link:
Congratulations to the winners and a greatful thank you to all our FoT supporters.
The 73rd Friends of Tournament 200 Club Draw has taken place at the BWSW HQ with Gavin Kelly assisted by Kylie Cooper. Our first draw with five prizes instead of four. Congratulations if you are one of the winners. More details later but here is the video.
The programme of Development Days Squad Training Days and other initiatives is nearing completion and will be publicised soon.
1st Rob & Val Spavin No. 92 – £541.67
2nd Ella Wilson No. 77 – £433.33
3rd Kelly Atkins No. 129 – £325.00
4th Roy Collins No. 44 – £216.67
5th Steve Lawrence No. 29 – £108.33
The 72nd draw for December 2022 has taken place and the winners are:
1st Peter James no. 175 £650.00
2nd Jim & Irene Newbold no. 41 £487.50
3rd Rob & Val Spavin no. 92 £325.00
4th Paul Airey no. 28 £162.50
The draw video can be seen via this link:
The latest FoT Newsletter for January 2023 can be accessed here: