The March 2020 FoT 200 Club Lottery Draw has taken place. There were 142 balls in the bag for this draw and the winners were:
1st George Hazelwood £461.50 No 11
2nd John Philips £346.13 No 107
3rd Peter James £230.75 No 175
4th Jose Antonio Perez Priego £115.38 No 105
Congratulations to them and a big thank you to everyone who supports this fund raising initiative. It’s a difficult time for everyone but it will pass and we will eventually be able to restart our sport. When we do the money we are raising will be put to good use to support Development initiatives and our Teams’ participation in World and European Championships. There have been 122 prizes since the 200 club began, won by 63 of the participants……a total of £30,406. so if you haven’t been one of the lucky ones so far , good luck in future draws.
You can see Mark Beard and Robbie Douglas performing the video via this link: