The 2020 Officials Seminar will take place at the Royal Holloway College in Egham, Surrey from 3rd to 5th April’ This is the 25th Seminar and it is 20 years since it was last hosted in the UK.
The Seminar is open to all Waterski and Disabled Waterski officials including those with National qualifications.
There will not be a separate British Seminar this year and so all Officials are encouraged to attend.
For those with limited time there is an option to attend on the Saturday only when there will be a morning session for all delegates where subjects such as End Course monitoring and the new IWWF Event Management System will be discussed as well as some reflections on this years rule changes. The afternoon will be breakout groups with trick writing practice and discussion, Disabled Judging workshop, Tech Room, Drivers Forum etc.
To get full information please visit the E&A Waterski Council website on the following link E&A Officials Seminar 2020
You can also download the Bulletin on this link. E&A Officials Seminar – Bulletin 1
This is a great opportunity to meet and socialise with Officials involved in our sport from all over Europe.
Author Archives: Gavin Kelly
?We are thrilled to announce that Great Britain will host a pro am in 2020!! 17th- 19th July will see the 2020 pro am tour visit JB ski at Thorpe for The Andy Mapple Pro Am ?
*Due to this, the date for The British Combined Nationals has changed to: 13th- 16th August excluding U17’s Nationals which will take place during the Malibu Open in September ??????
FoT 200 Club November Draw
The November Draw of the 200 Club took place during the Tournament Committee Meeting at the BWSW offices on 5th December. There were a record 146 Balls in the bag and it was the first draw based on the new format of four prizes every month. Now there are 48 chances of a win compared to the 36 we had previously. Overall the same prize money will be available as we will not have a double up month going forward.
Before announcing the winners we can tell you that with the December draw early in January we will have passed the £100,000 total money raised by Friends of Tournament. This is all down to the generosity of everyone out there who is supporting what we are doing. We still have another 54 balls to sell to achieve that magic 200 number so please encourage your friends to give it a go. Several Clubs have a Club number…..does yours? a way for a club to support the continued development of the sport and possible raise some funds at the same time. New 200 Club Sign Up Forms are on the Resources Page or can be downloaded on this link:
FoT 200 Club Sign Up Form 2020
So the winners for November:
1st No.125 Jo Kelly – £474.50
2nd No.91 Patric Foley-Brickley – £355.88
3rd No.07 John Philips – £237.25
4th No.109 The Rostance Family – £118.63
Congratulations !!!
Click on the link below to see the video of the draw.
Combined Waterski Nationals and Disabled Championships 2020
The 2020 World and European Waterski Calendar is another busy one and has created problems in finalising the dates for the 2020 National Combined Waterski and Disabled Championships which will take place next year at Oxford Wakeboard and Ski Club, organised by Steve Glanfield.
The Championships will take place in the week commencing Monday 13th July but a detailed schedule is still to be developed.
This is the first time that Queenford Lakes has hosted a Nationals but we know that the team there headed by Steve will be working hard to make it an outstanding event.
FoT End of Season Ball
The Friends of Tournament 1st End of Season Ball took place at the Hilton Northampton on 16th November.
With the Ian Campbell Band, Junction 24 providing the musical entertainment a number of awards were made, as well as a fund raising 200 Club Raffle and Auction. A big thanks go out to all those who helped the Ball organisation and who generously donated items for the raffle and auction. Over £10,000 was raised to boost the funds of FoT as we head towards the 2020 season.
This beat all expectations and was a magnificent outcome for this inaugural event.
The nine Handicap League winners for 2019 were presented with Training Vouchers funded by FoT.
A new Breakout Skier Cup was presented to Charlie Emmett who went to the E&A U21 as a Wild Card in 2018 and made the slalom finals and in 2019 was there as a Team Skier.
This year two Mapple Awards for outstanding achievement were presented. The first to Joel Poland for his amazing performance at the World U21 where he won Slalom Gold, Jump Gold, Tricks Silver and Overall Gold. The second award went to Steve Sopp in recognition of his reaching 30 years as the British Open Team Team Captain. As well as the Mapple Award Steve was presented with a book of photographs and comments from many of the skiers who he has worked with over the years.
The October Double Up Draw took place during the Ball. The first prize of £1,080 was won by Val Parkin, No 20. The second prize of £720 was won by Tim Hazelwood, No 5. and the third prize of £360 was won by Paul Seaton, No 68. Congratulations to the winners.
There were 144 balls in the bag, a new high and further progress to our goal of 200.
Five 200 Club Tickets for 12 months participation were presented to our World U21 Team members in recognition of their achievement in winning the Team Gold Medal. So good luck to them in future draws.
Also announced was a change to the prize structure for 2020. The same amount of prize money, 32.5% of the monthly income, will be paid out each month but the double up month will stop and instead we will have four prizes each month. A first prize of 13% of the income, second prize of 9.75%, third prize of 6.5% and a fourth prize of 3.25%.
So 48 prizes each year instead of 36 and a bigger opportunity for all participants to win a prize.
Since we started 102 prizes have gone to 56 of the ticket holders.
Tournament Forum 2019
The Tournament Forum will take place next Saturday 16th November at the Hilton, Northampton at 2.00pm.
This is an opportunity to finalise the 2020 Calendar as well as a review of 2019 activity and other news from the world of Tournament Waterskiing.
The Agenda will be :
1. Review of the Year
2. IWWF News
3. E&A News
4. Nationals 2020
5. Calendar 2020
6. Friends of Tournament Update
7. Open Discussion
If you are organising competitions next year please try to be there.
Handicap League Results 2019
The results of the Tournament Handicap League are now final and can be found on the Results page.
The top three in each event are:
1st Robbie Douglas
2nd Summer Pollard
3rd Alfie Fletcher
1st Tom Parkin
2nd Robert Hazelwood
3rd Danielle Halford
1st Lucy Roberts
2nd Molly Lee
3rd Noah Pollard
Congratulations to the winners who will all receive a number of Coaching Vouchers funded by Friends of Tournament.
These will be presented at the FoT End of Season Ball next weekend to those that are there.
Friends of Tournament End of Season Ball Fund Raising Auction
The FoT End of Season Ball will take place at the Hilton Northampton on Saturday 16th November. There are no League trophies to present this year but we will have Handicap League prizes, the October Double Up Month 200 Club Lottery Draw and a small number of other awards as well as a Fund Raising Auction. Details of the auction lots can be downloaded via the links below.
1. The Online Silent pre-bidding Auction will run from Friday 18th October and will close on Friday 15th November at 6pm. Following this, bidding for the item will continue during a live event auction at the Friends of Tournament Ball 2019.
2. The Auction lots can be found on the Tournament website:
3. To make a bid on the pre-bidding Silent Auction you will need to email: stating your name, the auction lot you are bidding for and the amount you would like to bid.
4. Bidders may bid as many times as they like for as many different lots as they choose.
5. All bids and subsequent payments are to be made in pounds sterling regardless of location of bidder.
6. Bidders must be aged 18 or over.
7. If you wish to check any information about a specific auction item – please do so before you bid by emailing
8. After making a bid, you will receive an email to confirm your bid.
9. Payment of winning bids may be via BACS. Winners will be sent an email confirmation. In this email there will be details of the FoT bank account for payment to. All Lots must be paid for in full by Friday 22nd November 2019.
10. Unless another date is specified, all Lots will expire 12 months from the finish of auction, unless agreement is made by bidder and donor, please see individual item descriptions for more information.
11. After payment has been received the winning bidder will be presented with the Lot or voucher for Lot or given contact details. The responsibility for making contact with the Lot donator lies with the bidder.
12. All portable items shall be, if possible collected in person. We will be in contact via email to discuss the best option for collection. Delivery or shipping may be available at an added cost to the bidder.
13. Any dispute during or after the event shall be dealt with at the auctioneers discretion and this decision shall be absolutely final. In no circumstances, whatsoever, will any liability attach to BWSW or Friends of Tournament or the organiser or the Auctioneer. Nor will any compensation be payable as of right to anyone attending or participating in the auction.
14. For the avoidance of doubt, the acceptance of a bid is not intended to create legal relations between either:
~ BWSW their employees, Friends of Tournament, representatives or agents; or
~ The donor; or
~ The bidder
15. BWSW and FoT make no warranty or representation of any kind about any items or services sold. Please inspect or make enquiries where possible.
16. The details of the Lots are correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of going to press.
Updated Timing Charts
All the Slalom Charts are now out of date with the change of the Shortening Speed for 45+ Women to 52kph.
Also the tolerance times for 37kph and 34kph were incorrect on the old charts. Not often that these speeds are used and with zero off times are mostly close to ideal anyway. The Jump Charts have been given a cosmetic improvement.
You can download the updated Slalom (2020 V1)and Jump Charts (2020 V1)here or in Resources.
World Waterski Council Minutes
The World Tournament Council has changed it’s name to World Waterski Council to follow the rebranding of the IWWF disciplines.
At the August meeting of the Council at the World Open Championships in Malaysia a number of rule changes were agreed that will become effective during October.
The full minutes can be accessed on the link below but the main changes are:
A proposal is being developed to introduce additional age categories for 70+, 75+ 80+ and 85+ but these new divisions will not be used in the World Championships until a certain number of skiers are on the Ranking List for that event in that division.
The 45+ Women shortening speed is changed from 55kph to 52kph.
To qualify for an overall score a competitor must ski in all three events but in future no minimum score will be required for any event.
A new trick developed by Joel Poland has been approved. It is a Front Flip Five Front (FFL5F) worth 950 points.
Joel Poland’s New Trick
The tricks rope release rule has been changed. The rope measured from the inside of the attaching loop may not be longer than 1.00 metre and movement of the rope on the pylon is no longer prohibited or monitored.