• Under 18
• Currently a novice club skier
• Keen to progress and improve
• Hoping to participate in competitions
• Taking part in the Cutting Edge Programme
Trick ~ Slalom ~ Jump *NEW for 2019
11th May: The Water Ski Academy CIC Whitworth – Coach Nick McGarry
18th May: Church Wilne Watersports Club – Ben Turp Supported by Mark Beard
26th May: 4 Lakes Water Ski School – Coach Jamie Bloemsma supported by Mike Hazelwood
27th May: Cotswold Water Ski Club – Ben Turp supported by Mike Hazelwood
2nd June: CJM Ski & Wake – Coach Chris Mullins supported by Richie Fazackerley/ John Battleday
Spend the day with a BWSW coach for on water and off water tuition! Development Days are aimed at U18 novice skiers who are keen to improve and progress to advance to competitive tournament water skiing. It is hoped that each skier will have 4 ‘coaching sets’ lasting approximately 15 to 20 minutes each. The coach is available for advice on equipment and Tournament skiing generally. A Tournament Licence will be provided after the event. Numbers for the day will be limited to 10 participants – book your place now!
The cost of the day will be £30.
Are you ready to fly for the first time?
Charlotte Wharton of Performance Waterski & Training Centre
Hazelwood Ski World home of the headwind and the Stokes Pro Am
Tuesday 30th July
Participants will need to have attended one of the development days listed above to receive coaching in advance. You will then be required to practice these skills in your own time. You will be required to demonstrate that you have reached the approved standard prior to be taken over the jump.
The cost of the day will be £30.