The World Tournament Council has changed it’s name to World Waterski Council to follow the rebranding of the IWWF disciplines.
At the August meeting of the Council at the World Open Championships in Malaysia a number of rule changes were agreed that will become effective during October.
The full minutes can be accessed on the link below but the main changes are:
A proposal is being developed to introduce additional age categories for 70+, 75+ 80+ and 85+ but these new divisions will not be used in the World Championships until a certain number of skiers are on the Ranking List for that event in that division.
The 45+ Women shortening speed is changed from 55kph to 52kph.
To qualify for an overall score a competitor must ski in all three events but in future no minimum score will be required for any event.
A new trick developed by Joel Poland has been approved. It is a Front Flip Five Front (FFL5F) worth 950 points.
Joel Poland’s New Trick
The tricks rope release rule has been changed. The rope measured from the inside of the attaching loop may not be longer than 1.00 metre and movement of the rope on the pylon is no longer prohibited or monitored.